




Because of security reasons, register_globals is set to off. And that sucks, because right now I could really have use of sessions.

How do you guys solve this "problem"?


I have tried using $_SESSION, but it's not working. That's why I thought it had something to do with register_globals being off.

In my header file, I have the following code:

if (!isset($_SESSION['test'])) {
  $_SESSION['test'] = "Foo bar";

Now, anywhere in my header file, I can output the content of $_SESSION['test'].

But I'm not able to output the same content from e.g. page.php file.

Here is an example using Wordpress: example.php

//Include the header file
<?php get_header(); ?>

  Here is some text, and this is my session: <?php echo $_SESSION['test']; ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

This will result in an empty Session.

+1  A: 

All session variables will be in the $_SESSION array. Use $_SESSION['var'] instead of the globally registered $var.

That's what I thought as well. But my example above isn't working. So I must be missing something..
@Steven: Are you using the same session? Check out what session ID is used (see `session_id` function). It needs to be the same on every call.
It seems I have to add session_start() in every file where I will be using sessions. I was hoping it would be enough to set this in the header file...
@Steven: I thought you already did that. (Although changing *register\_globals* shouldn’t change the session behavior at all.)
I only set the session_Start() in my header.php. If I don't set it in page.php as well, I'm not able to output my sessions.
@Steven: Yes, but I thought you’re including your *header.php* in all of your scripts.
Yes I am... :-/
+3  A: 

Use the super-global $_SESSION array to store values. It's contents are stored between requests, and seamlessly serialized and deserialized - don't worry about storing objects or arrays. A simple example:


 if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
   // user already logged in
 } else {
   // Create a guest user
   $user = new stdClass();
   $user->name = 'guest';
   $user->id = 0;

   $_SESSION['user'] = $user;

+4  A: 

Use $_SESSION, see http://php.net/manual/en/session.examples.basic.php

That was the first thing I tried. Didn't work.
What shows up if you `print_r($_SESSION);`?
Nothing. But when I added session_start() at the top of my page.php file, it worked. It's annoying that I have to include this in every file where I will be using sessions. I was hoping it would be enough to set this in the header file :(
+1  A: 

If sessions aren't working, there are a couple of things to check:

  • Make sure that the session is being started; call session_start() if needed - there's an option (session.auto_start) in PHP.ini which can be toggled.
  • Check that session.save_path points to a valid location which is writeable - check permissions. Under Windows, the default setting is an invalid path for that platform.
  • Check the PHP error log for pointers, in case something's going wrong.
  • Check the browser isn't blocking session cookies.

You might take a look in the aforementioned session.save_path to inspect whether or not session files are being created.

I've assumed use of the default file-based session handler. If using something else (which would require additional configuration), then there might be further troubleshooting steps.

hmm.. thanks. Didn't know there was a `session.auto_start`. I'm not sure if my ISP allows me to set my own php.ini settings though :( But now I know I have to call session_start() each time before I use sessions. I was hoping it would be enough to call this in my header file - since it's loaded every time.

are you using IIS webserver? had similiar "strange" problems with and older IIS version and php4. check your session.save_path in php.ini and assure that your webserver has write access to the directory configured in session.save_path.
