I want to extend Dojo class _Scroller BUt the problem occurs because its declared in scope of another function
var nodeKids = function(inNode, inTag){
var result = [];
var i=0, n;
while((n = inNode.childNodes[i++])){
if(getTagName(n) == inTag){
return result;
var divkids = function(inNode){
return nodeKids(inNode, 'div');
dojo.declare("dojox.grid._Scroller", null, {
constructor: function(inContentNodes){
So when im doing like this to extend a scroller function
grid1.scroller.findScrollTop = dojo.hitch(grid1.scroller, function(inRow){
It cant find some functions. divkids() for example that you can see is not global, but located in a scope of some function; Please help;.