



Wanna see something interesting?

var xml:XML = XML(<feed><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>);
trace(xml.entry.length())   // returns 3

Makes sense, right? Now let's add this attribute...

var xml:XML = XML(<feed xmlns=""&gt;&lt;entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>);
trace(xml.entry.length())   // returns 0

Well that can't be right. Let's try it with a different attribute.

var xml:XML = XML(<feed test="okay"><entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>);
trace(xml.entry.length())   // returns 3

Anyone know what would cause this? I used atom as an example, but any 'xmlns' attribute on the root node seems to have this effect. The value returned is straight up false - there are obviously still 3 'entry' child nodes regardless of the attributes their parents possess.

+4  A: 

Here are possible workarounds:

var xml:XML = XML(<feed xmlns=""&gt;&lt;entry /><entry /><entry /></feed>) ;
trace(xml.entry.length()) ;
// output: 0

var ATOM:Namespace = new Namespace( "" );
trace(xml.ATOM::entry.length()) ;
// output: 3

default xml namespace = ATOM;
trace(xml.entry.length()) ;
// output: 3



Nice, apparently we came to the same conclusion at the same time. I'll let you have the 'accepted answer,' though.
matt lohkamp
another thing you can do to shortcut it a bit is -var atom:Namespace = xml.namespace() // picks up the defaulttrace(xml.atom::entry.length()) ;... and the advantage of this is that it'll work even if there are no namespaces defined, which is pretty cool.
matt lohkamp