I'm trying to return results more like the search
My curren algorithm is this
def search_conditions(column, q)
vars = []
vars2 = []
vars << q
if q.size > 3
(q.size-2).times do |i|
vars2 << q[i..(i+2)]
next if i == 0
vars << q[i..-1]
vars << q[0..(q.size-1-i)]
vars << q[i % 2 == 0 ? (i/2)..(q.size-(i/2)) : (i/2)..(q.size-1-(i/2))] if i > 1
query = "#{column} ILIKE ?"
vars = (vars+vars2).uniq
return [vars.map { query }.join(' OR ')] + vars.map { |x| "%#{x}%" }
If I search for "Ruby on Rails" it will make 4 search ways.
1) Removing the left letters "uby on Rails".."ils"
2) Removing the right letters "Ruby on Rail".."Rub"
3) Removing left and right letters "uby on Rails", "uby on Rail" ... "on "
4) Using only 3 letters "Rub", "uby", "by ", "y o", " on" ... "ils"
Is good to use these 4 ways? There any more?