So our app has the option to take either a picture or a video. If the user takes a picture, we can use the MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage function to add the new image (via a filepath) to the phone's gallery and generate a content:// style URI. Is there a similar process for a captured video, given that we only have it's filepath?
I'm also interested, could you find a solution?
Edit: solution is RTFM. Based on the "Content Providers" chapter here is my code that worked:
// Save the name and description of a video in a ContentValues map.
ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2);
values.put(MediaStore.Video.Media.MIME_TYPE, "video/mp4");
// values.put(MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA, f.getAbsolutePath());
// Add a new record (identified by uri) without the video, but with the values just set.
Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);
// Now get a handle to the file for that record, and save the data into it.
try {
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
OutputStream os = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // tweaking this number may increase performance
int len;
while ((len = != -1){
os.write(buffer, 0, len);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "exception while writing video: ", e);
sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, uri));
2010-02-10 12:35:32
Possible duplicate of I posted a response there.
Re: The solution posted. Note that Java has BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream so you don't have to do that yourself.
2010-04-30 17:44:34