what is the step-by-step procedure for executing a program in mahout
Maybe you can check the MAHOUT wiki? Especially the quickstart section looks interesting...
Mahout isn't an execution environment, so I'm not sure what you mean by 'run a program in Mahout?' It is a library, and one that does lots of things: recommendation engines, classification, clustering, more. You haven't given any detail about what you're doing.
I am a dev of Mahout and you could get more useful answers by being more specific and asking at [email protected].
Also, are you looking at the javadoc at all? The Mahout Hadoop-related jobs all document their arguments.
Basically what worked from me was following their wiki: https://cwiki.apache.org/MAHOUT/buildingmahout.html
- svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mahout/trunk
- cd trunk
- mvn install
- cd core
- mvn compile
- mvn install
- cd examples
- mvn compile
Then follow what to do with the examples, for example the taste-web example, you need to download the data set, load it in the war, and edit which recommender system to use.
Mahout is awesome, give it a try, and you will enjoy it :)