I need to make a gql query against a set of some objects which have a date field. I am very new to python and also the GAE so I am a bit igorant to this. I am looking in the documentation but cannot find quite what I am looking for. Basically I have made the following class method
Event.getEventsForMonth(cls, month,year):
So I am trying to query my object where the month and year of the date field fall in a specified range. I have tried to create a date object and use that for the comparison but I have had no joy so far.
dateto = str(year)+str(month+1)+"01"
datefrom = str(year)+str(month)+"01"
if month + 1 == 13:
dateto = str(year+1)+"01"+"01"
query = GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Event WHERE date >= :datefrom AND date <= :dateto", dateto=dateto, datefrom=datefrom)
return query
This method to me looks awful, as I am not very up on the core methods I can use from Python inline with the GQL Query.
Any help is appreciated