



I'm trying to call this method:

RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial Method (HtmlHelper, String, Object, ViewDataDictionary)

but I don't see any way to construct a ViewDataDictionary in an expression, like:

<% Html.RenderPartial("BlogPost", Post, new { ForPrinting = True }) %>

Any ideas how to do that?

+2  A: 


You can do:

new ViewDataDictionary(new { ForPrinting = True })

As viewdatadictionary can take an object to reflect against in its constructor.

I've tried that, but on the other end ViewData.Count == 0.
J. Pablo Fernández
That is read as model, not as the view data.
J. Pablo Fernández
You are right, my apologies. I was thinking the RouteValuesDictionary, though oddly named for this function, you can use this as new RouteValuesDictionary(new { .. }), and this extracts the property values and make them individual key/value pairs, which then you can pass these to the viewdatadictionary instance.
Yes, with RouteValuesDictionary you can do it.
J. Pablo Fernández

I've managed to do this with the following extension method:

public static void RenderPartialWithData(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string partialViewName, object model, object viewData) {
  var viewDataDictionary = new ViewDataDictionary();
  if (viewData != null) {
    foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(viewData)) {
      object val = prop.GetValue(viewData);
      viewDataDictionary[prop.Name] = val;
  htmlHelper.RenderPartial(partialViewName, model, viewDataDictionary);

calling it this way:

<% Html.RenderPartialWithData("BlogPost", Post, new { ForPrinting = True }) %>
J. Pablo Fernández