



Specifically what i'm trying to do is Generate a PassStub field for a Remote Assistance ticket. The problem is that my results look like binary data but somehow Microsoft generates printable characters.

In [MS-RAI]: Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol Specification <16> Section 6: Microsoft says that the "PassStub" field "is encrypted using PROV_RSA_FULL predefined Cryptographic provider with MD5 hashing and CALG_RC4, the RC4 stream encryption algorithm."

There is a data flow diagram here:

The diagram shows the hashed password being encrypted with a "RA SessionID" which looks like this: u0RIQibSMntm0wAHQZ2mhatI63sjMjX15kh/vnciytOix8z6w+36B01OiJoB5uYe

When I call CryptEncrypt the result is binary data about the length of the SessionID. Microsoft somehow gets something that looks like this: "Po^1BiNrHBvHGP"

Here is the code i'm trying to use to do this:

BOOL bret=0;

passwordlen = SysStringByteLen(L"password");
    char RASessionID[] = "u0RIQibSMntm0wAHQZ2mhatI63sjMjX15kh/vnciytOix8z6w+36B01OiJoB5uYe";

// Acquire a cryptographic provider context handle.
if(!CryptAcquireContext(&hCryptProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0))
    return FALSE;
// Create an empty hash object.
if(!CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash))
    return FALSE;
if(!CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)bpassword, passwordlen, 0))
    return FALSE;

// Create a session key based on the hash of the password.
if(!CryptDeriveKey(hCryptProv, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hKey))
    return FALSE;

DWORD rasessionidlen = strlen(rasessionid);
char* proxystub = (char*)malloc(rasessionidlen*2);
strcpy(proxystub, rasessionid);
bret = CryptEncrypt(hKey, NULL, TRUE, 0, (BYTE*)proxystub, &rasessionidlen, rasessionidlen*2);
return bret;
+1  A: 

The "RA SessionID" looks like it is base64-encoded. My guess would be that the pass-stub is base64-encoded too - except that your example: "Po^1BiNrHBvHGP" is too short and contains a ^. Is that a real example?

You might also need to base64-decode the RA Session ID before feeding it to CryptEncrypt.

Rasmus Faber
It does look base64 encoded, but the diagram in the link in the question mentions hex encoding aka base-16 encoding.
I can only see the hex encoding in the Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7-diagram. That uses AES instead of RC4, so I don't think that is what he is trying to implement.
Rasmus Faber
Yes the ^ is part of it, which is why this is interesting. If you create a remote assistance ticket file and look at it you'll see what i'm talking about.
Jon Clegg