You need single quotes around the varchar
fields that you are inserting (which I presume are url_name, anchor_text, and description). The single quote that you currently have just make those values a String but in Oracle, varchar fields need to have single quotes around them. Try this:
$sql1="insert into URL(Url_ID,Url_Name,Anchor_Text,Description) VALUES( 9,'".'{$url_name}'."','".'{$anchor_text}'."','".'{$description}'."')";
I don't have PHP anywhere to test it, but that should create the single quotes around your values.
Because really the sql you will eventually be executing on the database would look like this:
insert into URL
'My Name',
'My Text',
'My Description'
The main article Binding Variables in Oracle and PHP appears to be down but here is the Google Cache Version that goes into detail about how to bind variables in PHP. You definitely want to be doing this for 1) performance and 2) security from SQL injection.
Also, my PHP is a bit rusty but looks like you could also do your original query statement like this:
$sql1="insert into URL(Url_ID,Url_Name,Anchor_Text,Description) values ( 9, '$url_name', '$anchor_text', '$description')";
Also, you need to escape any single quotes that may be present in the data you receive from your form variables. In an Oracle sql string you need to convert single quotes to 2 single quotes to escape them. See the section here titled "How can I insert strings containing quotes?"