



I am looking at candidate changesets for a merge and I get some output I don't understand:

tf merge /candidate /recursive $/Acme/Branches/Release/3.5 $/Acme/Trunk
Changeset Author                           Date
--------- -------------------------------- ----------
   47829* nate:14                          4/16/2009

What does the * at the end of the changeset number mean?

+1  A: 

It indicates a partial merge was done.

Randy Minder
+3  A: 

To elaborate on Randy's answer: a partial merge means that some of the changes in #47829 have already been merged but others have not.

tf merges uses the same syntax. Starting in 2008 (or maybe it was 2005 SP1?) there's also a /format:detailed parameter that will enumerate the merge history item-by-item.

Richard Berg
Richard, thanks for the extra info on tf merges!
Keith Hill