As far as I'm aware there are two main styles of permissions systems out there. I would like to know if the multi-group option is really worth the extra trouble or system load (more queries). It seems that with proper application design there is no need for users to have more than one class - though my applications have never made it big enough for me to know.
- Simple user system (group/role with users)
Sam is a member - he cannot access admin content. Joe is an admin - he can change author posts. One user is in one group, and groups cascade permissions. Think wordpress.
- Multi-group user system (users with groups/roles)
Sam is a member and moderator - but he still cannot access admin content. Each user can have many groups which all combine to show what he can/cannot do.
Why not just have Sam as a moderator and all moderators inherit member privileges? Also, which one works better with ACLs?