After adding a new label and textEdit to a grid right above these tabs, When I generate the file with pyuic4, It generates the the following lines for many different tabs which gives errors about not having enough arguments.
However the .ui would generate this fine before I made the changes.
self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_6), QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", " ", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
This code works fine, and If I edit this into the file my changes also work fine. However how do I get it to automatically do this when i use pyuic4. Because from what I understand is that you should never have to edit the file. Thanks
Edited: I updated everything to no avail. pretty much any change I do to old UI file will cause this problem if I use pyuic4 on it. translatable IS checked under currentTabText in qtDesigner if that matters. The problem happens in this function of the .py file:
def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow):
#these are incorrect ones pyuic4 generates
self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_6), )
self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_9), )
#these are the correct lines it used to generate
self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_6),QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWinow", " ", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_9), QtGui.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", " ", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
Edit2: Even when I open the .ui up in qtdesigner, click something, without even modifying it, save, then use pyuic4, it generates the bad code.