OK, I've managed to sort out this problem:
THere is no way of doing this in Rails by default (at least, not yet). Instead of using namespaces and default values, I needed to install Sven Fuchs' routing filter.
Once the plugin is installed, I added the following file to my lib directory:
require 'routing_filter/base'
module RoutingFilter
class Locale < Base
# remove the locale from the beginning of the path, pass the path
# to the given block and set it to the resulting params hash
def around_recognize(path, env, &block)
locale = nil
path.sub! %r(^/([a-zA-Z]{2})(?=/|$)) do locale = $1; '' end
returning yield do |params|
params[:locale] = locale || 'en'
def around_generate(*args, &block)
locale = args.extract_options!.delete(:locale) || 'en'
returning yield do |result|
if locale != 'en'
result.sub!(%r(^(http.?://[^/]*)?(.*))){ "#{$1}/#{locale}#{$2}" }
I added this line to routes.rb:
map.filter 'locale'
This basically fills out a before and after hook, generated by the plugin, that wraps the rails routing.
When a url is recognised, and before Rails gets to do anything with it, the around_recognize method is called. This will extract a two-letter code representing the locale, and pass it through in the params, defaulting to 'en' if no locale is specified.
Likewise, when a url is generated, the locale parameter will be pushed into the URL on the left side.
This gives me the following urls and mappings:
/ => :locale => 'en'
/en => :locale => 'en'
/fr => :locale => 'fr'
All existing url helpers work as before, with the only difference being that unless the locale is specified, it is preserved:
home_path => /
home_path(:locale => 'en') => /
home_path(:locale => 'fr') => /fr