



i have an array of 27 elements,and i don't want to generate all permutations of array (27!) i need 5000 randomly choosed permutations,any tip will be useful...

+2  A: 

itertools.permutations. It's a generator, so it won't create the whole list of permutations. You could skip randomly until you've got 5000.

Might take a long time to do using this method....
Mark Byers
That's not really "random", since `itertools` creates them in a defined order, and there are a finite number of permutations. What would be better is to do the following: (1) determine **how many** permutations there are (call this number `N`), (2) then generate 5,000 distinct random indices in the range `0..N-1`, (3) pick the permutations from the itertools.permutations generator which correspond to these indices.
John Feminella
Yeah, I know it's not the best. First time I read the question I somehow didn't notice that 'randomly chosen' part. I won't delete it, maybe someone searching for "how to generate permutations of array in python?" will find it useful.

You may want the itertools.permutations() function. Gotta love that itertools module!

NOTE: New in 2.6

This will be too slow - he said he has 27 elements.
Mark Byers
+4  A: 
import random

perm_list = []

for i in range(5000):
    temp = range(27)


10888869450418352160768000000 I love big numbers! :)


10888869450418352160768000001 is PRIME!!


#with duplicates check as suggested in the comment

perm_list = set()
while len(perm_list)<5000:
    temp = range(27)
    perm_list.add(tuple(temp)) # `tuple` because `list`s are not hashable. right Beni?

print perm_list

WARNING: This wont ever stop if RNG is bad!

To also check for duplicates as Mark suggests, use a `perms = set()`, `perms.add(tuple(temp))`, and `while len(perms) < 5000` instead of the for loop.
Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin
@Beni I didn't follow your `tuple(temp)` suggestion at first but then I understood that I was a fool!! Thanks man!
+7  A: 

To generate one permutation use random.shuffle and store a copy of the result. Repeat this operation in a loop and each time check for duplicates (there probably won't be any though). Once you have 5000 items in your result set, stop.

To address the point in the comment, Python's random module is based on the Mersenne Twister and has a period of 2**19937-1, which is considerably larger than 27! so it should be suitable for your use.

Mark Byers
+1, but note that `random.shuffle` has a serious weakness: the period of most RNGs is smaller than the total number of permutations as _n_ gets larger. That means that almost all of the possible permutations for a large enough _n_ cannot ever be generated, so this isn't truly random.
John Feminella
Indeed, John. Python's random generator has a period of 2**19937-1 though so it is probably good enough. Another nitpick is that for true random numbers you would need a true random source (e.g. from radioactive decay), Python's random module provides only pseudo-random numbers. But in common usage when people say 'random' what they really mean is 'pseudo-random', and I assume this is what the poster here means.
Mark Byers
+1 Cool! It's a big die with 10888869450418352160768000000 faces probability of any one of them turning up is 1/10888869450418352160768000000. Duplicates NO WAY!!
thanks guys,it helped me a lot!!!
# apermindex should be a number between 0 and factorial(len(alist))
def perm_given_index(alist, apermindex):
    for i in range(len(alist)-1):
        apermindex, j = divmod(apermindex, len(alist)-i)
        alist[i], alist[i+j] = alist[i+j], alist[i]
    return alist

call like perm_given_index(['a','b','c'], 3)

i think this uses the Lehmer code for the permutation as the values of j match that

Dan D