I have a hash of hashes (@post) and I want to save it into csv. Strange for me is that my approach works for the header but not for the rows. If I display the rows using
csv << (@post_csv_order.each {|element| puts single_post[element]})
I can see the right strings on the screen but the csv files contains values of the hash key not the values of the hash values. Basically I have 5 lines of the header in my csv instead of the right values.
I think I need to convert @post[key] hash into an array with an order based on @post_csv_order (contains keys for the @post[key] hash) There is a hash method to_a but it will not give me the order I need.
I guess you might suggest different approach and not to use hash of hashed but I would like to also know how to convert hash into an array that has some pre-defined order.
On the other hand if there is any easy way how to save a hash of hashes into csv/table I am happy to rewrite my code.
require 'rubygems'
require 'faster_csv'
require 'pp'
@post = {123 => {"ForumID" => "123", "Post author" => "Thom" },
222 => {"ForumID" => "222", "Post author" => "Mark"},
345 => {"ForumID" => "345", "Post author" => "Eddy"},
444 => {"ForumID" => "444", "Post author" => "Eli"}}
@post_csv_order = [
"ForumID" ,
"Post author"
FasterCSV.open("test.csv", "w", { :quote_char => '"', :col_sep =>',', :row_sep =>:auto, :headers => true, :return_headers => false, :force_quotes => true}) do |csv|
csv << (@post_csv_order.each {|element| element})
@post.each_value do |single_post|
csv << (@post_csv_order.each {|element| single_post[element]})
#csv << (@post_csv_order.each {|element| puts single_post[element]})