I am not shore why IQuerable limits me when I try to search database for data containing string from an array.
Where(t =>
(spltedInput.Any(val=> t.LastName.Contains(val)) || spltedInput.Any(val=> t.Name.Contains(val)))
&& t.MasterCompany.Id == MasterCompanySeted).
Select(t => new { Name = t.Name + " " + t.LastName, Id = t.Id }).
Select(t => new RadComboBoxItemData() { Text = t.Name, Value = t.Id.ToString() })
It throws NullReferenceException , I am not shore what to do to check if any elements from the array is containd within LastName or Name and what causes this exception.
I am only guessing that it's because you can't do a query inside a query ?