You can select last_value from the sequence, that is automatically created when you use type serial:
create table test (
id serial primary key,
parent integer not null,
foreign key (parent) references test(id)
insert into test values(default, (select last_value from test_id_seq));
insert into test values(default, (select last_value from test_id_seq));
insert into test values(default, (select last_value from test_id_seq));
select * from test;
id | parent
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
(3 rows)
And the following even simpler seems to work as well:
insert into test values(default, lastval());
Though I don't know how this would work when using multiple sequences... I looked it up; lastval() returns the last value returned or set with the last nextval or setval call to any sequence, so the following would get you in trouble:
create table test (
id serial primary key,
foo serial not null,
parent integer not null,
foreign key (parent) references test(id)
select setval('test_foo_seq', 100);
insert into test values(default, default, lastval());
ERROR: insert or update on table "test" violates foreign key constraint "test_parent_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (parent)=(101) is not present in table "test".
However the following would be okay:
insert into test values(default, default, currval('test_id_seq'));
select * from test;
id | foo | parent
2 | 102 | 2
(1 row)