




I'm new to Ruby coming from Java. I'm trying to make a http get request and I'm getting an http response code of 400. The service I'm calling over http is very particular and I'm pretty sure that my request isn't exactly correct. It'd be helpful to "look inside" the req object after I do the head request (below) to double check that the request_headers that are being sent are what I think I'm sending. Is there a way to print out the req object?

req = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
req.use_ssl = true

res = req.head(pathWithScope, request_headers)

code = res.code.to_i
puts "Response code: #{code}"

I tried this: puts "Request Debug: #{req.inspect}" but it only prints this: #<Net::HTTP www.blah.com:443 open=false>

+1  A: 

Use set_debug_output.

http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.set_debug_output($stdout) # Logger.new("foo.log") works too

That and more in http://github.com/augustl/net-http-cheat-sheet :)

August Lilleaas
awesome, thanks.
Dave Paroulek