I am trying to insert characters like ä, á, ó, í, â, etc in message body of Amazon SQS. But these characters get converted to some other characters in SQS (e.g. ä). Is there a way to solve this problem.
I am trying to insert characters like ä, á, ó, í, â, etc in message body of Amazon SQS. But these characters get converted to some other characters in SQS (e.g. ä). Is there a way to solve this problem.
This is likely due to a character encoding issue in your code. A highly recommended article about this topic is Joel's The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).
It looks like your characters are being UTF-8 encoded somewhere and the corresponding UTF-8 decode operation is not being performed as you expect.
Thanks for the responses. I think the best way to over-come this problem is to store the message body in AmazonSQS in HTML-ENTITIES format. So before storing the message I encode it in HTML_ENTITIES format using php method mb_convert_encoding(string $str, string $to_encoding [,mixed $from_encoding]).
If anyone has a better solution please feel free to add your comments.