Here's some (simplified) code for what I'm trying to do:
class a:
class b:
def printSelf(self):
print self
instOfA = a()
instOfB = b()
instOfA.printSelf = instOfB.printSelf
<__main__.b instance at 0x0295D238>
When I call instOfA.printSelf(), it prints self as being instOfB.
But I want self to be instOfA when I call instOfA.printSelf(), and instOfB when I call instOfB.printSelf()
How would I go about doing this without manually defining printSelf in class a?
To those wondering why I would even want to do something like this, here's a longer example:
#Acts as a template for aInstance. I would have several aInstances that have common rules, which are defined by an instance of the aDefinition class (though I'd have multiple rule sets too)
class aDefinitionClass:
def setInput(self, val):
self.inputStr = val
def checkInputByLength(self):
return len(self.inputStr) < 5
def checkInputByCase(self):
return self.inputStr == self.inputStr.upper()
checkInput = checkInputByLength
class aInstance(aDefinition):
inputStr = ""
def __init__(self, ruleDefinition):
self.checkInput = ruleDefinition.checkInput
aDef = aDefinitionClass()
aDef.checkInput = aDef.checkInputByCase #Changing one of the rules.
aInst = aInstance(aDef)
AttributeError: aDefinitionClass instance has no attribute 'inputStr'
I realize it's a bit unusual, but I couldn't think of a different way of doing it. I'm effectively trying to subclass an instance. It'd look something like this if Python allowed it:
class aInstance(aDef):
inputStr = ""