



here is my js code

<script type='text/javascript'>

  // Browser safe opacity handling function

  function setOpacity( value ) {
   document.getElementById("popup").style.opacity = value / 10;
   document.getElementById("popup").style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value * 10 + ')';

  function fadeInMyPopup() {
   for( var i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++ )
    setTimeout( 'setOpacity(' + (i / 10) + ')' , 8 * i );

  function fadeOutMyPopup() {
   for( var i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++ ) {
    setTimeout( 'setOpacity(' + (10 - i / 10) + ')' , 8 * i );

   setTimeout('closeMyPopup()', 800 );

  function closeMyPopup() {
   document.getElementById("popup").style.display = "none"

  function fireMyPopup() {
   setOpacity( 0 );
   document.getElementById("popup").style.display = "block";

this code works fine. i am using this code to pop-up a light box for emailing friends. what i am stuck with, once i submit the i will like to say thank you on the same pop-up. right now here is how i am saying thank you: this goes to a new window. but i want it on the same light box window.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

here is how i call my light box in my other code:

<div id="popup" name="popup"><?php include ("email.php"); ?></div>

any ideas on achieving this. many thanks.


I'd strongly recommend checking out the jQuery framework. It makes doing things like this very painless.

You could also use the innerHTML property in Javascript to update the text:

document.getElementById("popup").innerHTML = "Thanks, yo"

ok here is more explanation

I have 3 events that i want ro call for one form:

in my form, i am using an image for the submit button. so to pass the value of the submit, here is what i do and it works fine in all browsers:

< input type="image" onclick=" = this.value" >

now i want to call another events, after the form has been submitted.

< input type="image" onclick=" = this.value; javascript:thanks()" >

now when i put the second event in, my form doesnt validate or submit the values.

and when i placed that event in the form tag, it doesnt work either.

here is my js function for thanks(): function thanks() { setOpacity( 0 ); document.getElementById("popup").innerHTML = "Thank You!!" closeMyPopup();


i am using the code from this link:; i have a registration form for the fade effects, and once the form get submitted, i want a thank-you to appear, but it doesnt seem to be working well.
