



What cheat sheets exist for Django?

If possible, provide a description (e.g. scope, Django version information, number of pages, authors, direct download URL if it is in PDF), how you discovered it, etc.

Some external resources are Our Favorite Cheat Sheets, and TechPosters.NET, but I think there should be a directory for the Django cheat sheets here.

+5  A: 

Mercurytide Django Cheat Sheet for Django 1.0 by Andrew Durdin and Henry Kunz.

It covers model fields (e.g. BooleanField, CharField, FloatField, etc.), template tags, template filters, template date formats, and many others. 2 pages.

Direct link (PDF format, 73 KB). Greyscale version. The greyscale version prints a little bit better on a black-and-white printer, but not much. This cheat sheet is much better suited for a colour printer.

Peter Mortensen

Why settle for only one language or framework when you can have many: DevCheatSheet. It's a cheat sheet agregator website.

There are three (, although one's outdated and the other one's the Mercurytide sheet.
Also, nice symmetry... uses Django underneath!
Van Gale

Django Reference Sheet.

The scope is different than Mercurytide's, it is more of a how-to. It lists actual commands. E.g. create a new project, initialize the database, creating an application. The content of a sample URL dispatcher is listed. The second page covers template filters and template tags. 3 pages.

Direct link (PDF format, 160 KB).

Peter Mortensen