I can do this myself of course, but is there built-in functionality in Ruby, or a library, that would let me do something like this
date = Time.now
sunday = date.week.first_day
saturday = date.week.last_day
I can do this myself of course, but is there built-in functionality in Ruby, or a library, that would let me do something like this
date = Time.now
sunday = date.week.first_day
saturday = date.week.last_day
Days are represented by 0..6, Sunday being 0.
date = Time.now
puts date.wday
would output todays number code of the week.
What are you trying to accomplish?
by adding or subtracting the number of seconds in a day you get to a different date exactly 1 day from now.
date = Time.now
puts date + 86400 #will be tomorrow
Use the ActiveSupport gem. It, however, considers Monday as the start of the week.
require 'active_support'
d = Date.today # => Mon, 25 Jan 2010
sun = d.beginning_of_week - 1.day # => Sun, 24 Jan 2010
sat = d.end_of_week - 1.day # => Sat, 30 Jan 2010
Needs more work if today is Sunday
def week_ends(date)
sun = date.beginning_of_week - 1.day
sat = date.end_of_week - 1.day
if date.sunday?
sun += 1.week
sat += 1.week
[sun, sat]
p d = Date.today
p week_ends(d)
p d = Date.yesterday
p week_ends(d)
results in
Mon, 25 Jan 2010
[Sun, 24 Jan 2010, Sat, 30 Jan 2010]
Sun, 24 Jan 2010
[Sun, 24 Jan 2010, Sat, 30 Jan 2010]