




I am writing a webapp in Clojure.

I almost want to use Google Web Toolkit for the frontend -- since I can just write Clojure/Java code, and have the library automatically generate the Javascript/AJAX.

However, for some reason, GWT does not sem to be used much in the real world.

Is there something that is similarly tied into Java (like GWT is) but more popular?


+5  A: 

There is JWT.

You can read about jwt and closure on http://www.nsa.be/index.php/eng/Blog

However, for some reason, GWT does not sem to be used much in the real world.

I've noticed quite a few people using Gmail.

Gmail does not use GWT: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525199/what-server-side-language-is-gmail-written-in
+3  A: 

GWT is used in the real world!!! A lot! And google is doing some pretty huge things with it so I don't think popularity is a valid concern.

I don't want to start a flame war so I won't elaborate any more on this.

Also, remember that GWT is a java - javascript compiler. No bytecode will run on the client. Hence, you can only use java, not clojure code when writing client-side code.

Basically Google builts all of its new apps with GWT: http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleDevelopers#p/c/0C2E1DEFBC90E546/0/yemCxLMwalsAnd you've mentioned: Client-side code must be written in Java but for the server-side code within the same GWT module you can use any JVM language (Scala, Clojure, Groovy, ...).
Alexander Orlov
Google also uses Google Closure toolkit (javascript to javascript) a lot, so its not just GWT.
+1  A: 

GWT is not particularly useful with Clojure, because it (GWT) uses a custom compiler that reads Java source code (not bytecode). Unless you want to write all your user-interface code in Java, GWT will not help you.

Stuart Sierra
True. It is perfectly possible to write the UI part in GWT and have it make calls to clojure services. GWT has a mode for this scenario. See http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideServerCommunication.html