hi, i used a decompiler to decompile a .class file it seems that it decompiled everything except some code at the bottom are very strange and since im new to java im not sure what they mean:
String[] tmp5_2 = new String[6];
jsr 50;
tmp5_2[0] = "pH@JeAE";
String[] tmp13_5 = tmp5_2;
jsr 42;
tmp13_5[1] = "lRMMoF";
String[] tmp21_13 = tmp13_5;
jsr 34;
tmp21_13[2] = "KHUT;\f\19VSv\rRHJkBJH@dL\18OAu";
String[] tmp29_21 = tmp21_13;
jsr 26;
tmp29_21[3] = "\18\14\22\n1\r\f\15\21";
String[] tmp37_29 = tmp29_21;
jsr 18;
tmp37_29[4] = "wTD\4OJRKEWJXDK@SLMAu\3UR\4NMPHJd\r";
String[] tmp45_37 = tmp37_29;
jsr 10;
tmp45_37[5] = "KHUT;\f\19\16\226\r\f\15\20/\18\19RP`WIR";
z = tmp45_37;
break label68:
label68: localObject = returnAddress;
see the code after tmp5_2[0]
for example, what do they mean?