




I'm a hardcore greasemonkey fan and an avid google reader user. I was just wondering if anyone has written or is aware of a greasemonkey script that converts digg links in google reader to the direct website link or at least automatically redirects from digg to that particular site. That would be a great tool, since with my dialup connection, going to digg and then clicking on the link is quite frustrating. I tried to write one myself and found the whole thing a bit complicated.

+1  A: 

there are some feedburner feeds that can help u try http://feeds.feedburner.com/Diggfeedr

Wael Awada

I suggest you use Yahoo Pipes (with YQL possibly) to clean the links before they reach Google Reader, which will mean that you don't need a GM script, this'll provide the best performance for you. If you use a GM script then the script will either need to do a request for every digg link displayed in GReader (or close to that if you use YQL with the script), or the script will have to find the non-digg url via a request to the digg url when you click on a digg link, which will mean that the redirect will be delayed.

Erik Vold