For the XPath, try:
//input[@type="hidden" and @name="val" and position() = 1]/@value
For use in a GreaseMonkey script, do something like this:
var result = document.evaluate(
"//input[@type='hidden' and @name='var' and position()=1]/@value",
document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null
var hiddenval = result.snapshotItem(0);
if (hiddenval)
alert("Found: " + hiddenval.nodeValue);
alert("Not found.");
Strictly speaking: Using "position()=1"
in the XPath filter is not absolutely necessary, because only the first returned result is going to be used anyway (via snapshotItem(0)
). But why build a larger result set than you really need.
EDIT: Using an XPath result of the ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE
type makes sure you get the nodes in document order. That means the first node of the result will also be the first node in the document.