




Is it possible to implement in Scala something equivalent to the python yield statement where it remembers the local state of the function where it is used and "yields" the next value each time it is called?

I wanted to have something like this to convert a recursive function into an iterator. Sort of like this:

# this is python
def foo(i):
  yield i
  if i > 0:
    for j in foo(i - 1):
      yield j

for i in foo(5):
  print i

Except, foo may be more complex and recurse through some acyclic object graph.

Additional Edit: Let me add a more complex example (but still simple): I can write a simple recursive function printing things as it goes along:

// this is Scala
def printClass(clazz:Class[_], indent:String=""): Unit = {
  clazz match {
    case null =>
    case _ =>
      println(indent + clazz)
      printClass(clazz.getSuperclass, indent + "  ")
      for (c <- clazz.getInterfaces) {
        printClass(c, indent + "  ")

Ideally I would like to have a library that allows me to easily change a few statements and have it work as an Iterator:

// this is not Scala
def yieldClass(clazz:Class[_]): Iterator[Class[_]] = {
  clazz match {
    case null =>
    case _ =>
      sudoYield clazz
      for (c <- yieldClass(clazz.getSuperclass)) sudoYield c
      for (c <- clazz.getInterfaces; d <- yieldClasss(c)) sudoYield d

It does seem continuations allow to do that, but I just don't understand the shift/reset concept. Will continuation eventually make it into the main compiler and would it be possible to extract out the complexity in a library?

Edit 2: check Rich's answer in that other thread.

+2  A: 

To do this in a general way, I think you need the continuations plugin.

A naive implementation (freehand, not compiled/checked):

def iterator = new {
  private[this] var done = false

  // Define your yielding state here
  // This generator yields: 3, 13, 0, 1, 3, 6, 26, 27
  private[this] var state: Unit=>Int = reset {
    var x = 3
    x += 10
    x = 0
    List(1,2,3).foreach { i => x += i; giveItUp(x) }
    x += 20
    x += 1
    done = true

  // Well, "yield" is a keyword, so how about giveItUp?
  private[this] def giveItUp(i: Int) = shift { k: (Unit=>Int) =>
    state = k

  def hasNext = !done
  def next = state()

What is happening is that any call to shift captures the control flow from where it is called to the end of the reset block that it is called in. This is passed as the k argument into the shift function.

So, in the example above, each giveItUp(x) returns the value of x (up to that point) and saves the rest of the computation in the state variable. It is driven from outside by the hasNext and next methods.

Go gentle, this is obviously a terrible way to implement this. But it best I could do late at night without a compiler handy.

Mitch Blevins
I think a library might be made if the shift/reset generated a stream, so each call would go back to the shift/reset. I think. Sort of.
Hmm, can we retrieve deleted comments? Mitch mentioned a blog to check...
The blog is in the link in my answer above: http://blog.richdougherty.com/search/label/continuations
Mitch Blevins
I get an "error: type mismatch" where `found: scala.runtime.StringAdd @scala.continuations.uncps @scala.continuations.cps[Int,Int]` and `required: ? @scala.continuations.cps[?,(Unit) => Int]` on the line `private[this] var state: Unit=>Int = reset {`.
+2  A: 

While Python generators are cool, try to duplicate them really isn't the best way to go about in Scala. For instance, the following code does an equivalent job to what you want:

def classStream(clazz: Class[_]): Stream[Class[_]] = clazz match {
  case null => Stream.empty
  case _ => (
    #:: classStream(clazz.getSuperclass) 
    #::: clazz.getInterfaces.toStream.flatMap(classStream) 
    #::: Stream.empty

It the stream is generated lazily, so it won't process any of the elements until asked for, which you can verify by running this:

def classStream(clazz: Class[_]): Stream[Class[_]] = clazz match {
  case null => Stream.empty
  case _ => (
    #:: { println(clazz.toString+": super"); classStream(clazz.getSuperclass) } 
    #::: { println(clazz.toString+": interfaces"); clazz.getInterfaces.toStream.flatMap(classStream) } 
    #::: Stream.empty

The result can be converted into an Iterator simply by calling .iterator on the resulting Stream:

def classIterator(clazz: Class[_]): Iterator[Class[_]] = classStream(clazz).iterator

The foo definition, using Stream, would be rendered thus:

scala> def foo(i: Int): Stream[Int] = i #:: (if (i > 0) foo(i - 1) else Stream.empty)
foo: (i: Int)Stream[Int]

scala> foo(5) foreach println

Another alternative would be concatenating the various iterators, taking care to not pre-compute them. Here's an example, also with debugging messages to help trace the execution:

def yieldClass(clazz: Class[_]): Iterator[Class[_]] = clazz match {
  case null => println("empty"); Iterator.empty
  case _ =>
    def thisIterator = { println("self of "+clazz); Iterator(clazz) }
    def superIterator = { println("super of "+clazz); yieldClass(clazz.getSuperclass) }
    def interfacesIterator = { println("interfaces of "+clazz); clazz.getInterfaces.iterator flatMap yieldClass }
    thisIterator ++ superIterator ++ interfacesIterator

This is pretty close to your code. Instead of sudoYield, I have definitions, and then I just concatenate them as I wish.

So, basically, while this is a non-answer, I just think you are barking at the wrong tree here. Trying to write Python in Scala is bound to be unproductive. Work harder at the Scala idioms that accomplish the same goals.

Thanks, I think the Stream solution is what I was looking for as it evaluates lazily. You are right, I don't want to write python in Scala, but since I never used streams before the solution did not occur to me.
By the way, where is the scaladoc for the #:: and #::: operators? I can't seem to see it on the scala.collection.immutable.Stream scaladoc.
@huynhjl Both the `Stream` and the `Iterator` solutions evaluate lazily. As for these operators, they are only present on Scala 2.8. They are not defined in an obvious place indeed, because it just wouldn't work. I can't recall -- or find -- where they are defined right now. You can replace them with `Stream.cons` and `Stream.concat` if you are using Scala 2.7.
The downside for Stream (and similar recursive constructs) is that working with them in Scala easily leads to stack overflows -- this is what makes trampolines appealing. http://blog.richdougherty.com/2009/04/tail-calls-tailrec-and-trampolines.html
+4  A: 

Another continuations plugin based solution, this time with a more or less encapsulated Generator type,

import scala.continuations._
import scala.continuations.ControlContext._

object Test {

  def loopWhile(cond: =>Boolean)(body: =>(Unit @suspendable)): Unit @suspendable = {
    if (cond) {
    } else ()

  abstract class Generator[T] {
    var producerCont : (Unit => Unit) = null
    var consumerCont : (T => Unit) = null

    protected def body : Unit @suspendable

    reset {

    def generate(t : T) : Unit @suspendable =
      shift {
        (k : Unit => Unit) => {
          producerCont = k
          if (consumerCont != null)

    def next : T @suspendable =
      shift {
        (k : T => Unit) => {
          consumerCont = k
          if (producerCont != null)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val g = new Generator[Int] {
      def body = {
        var i = 0
        loopWhile(i < 10) {
          i += 1

    reset {
      loopWhile(true) {
        println("Generated: "+g.next)
Miles Sabin
Thank you Miles. I'm looking forward to try this. I'll need to spend some time to set up the continuation plug-in first...
I was able to compile and run your sample. It will probably take me some time and some documentation to be able to modify and understand it.
This was informative in learning of ways to do things with delimited continuations, but the downside to this particular solution is that the call site has to be CPS-transformed. Rich Dougherty and I present alternative solutions at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2201882/implementing-yield-yield-return-using-scala-continuations/.
Yes, I agree that Rich's is a much nicer solution ... much more direct. Mine is actually derived from an encoding of symmetric coroutines using shift/reset and I think that shows through in the awkwardness you point out.
Miles Sabin
+2  A: 

Here's my answer to a similar question.

Rich Dougherty
Upvoted your answer in the other thread. I also linked to it on the question above.
It's definitely the closest I got to my original question. Continuations are difficult to grasp for me, so I'm using it a bit like a code monkey. Here is my current code: http://gist.github.com/297213. I have two issues, the recursive-continuations version does not recurse the same and I can't get the code to compile with Class[_] as the iterator parametric type.I would greatly appreciate if you can give me a few pointers...
When I'm writing something like this I always hand write a small program in continuation-passing style before I even try and use the plugin. e.g. The direct usage of Yield objects in my answer. That way I can learn what the structure of the program is before I start getting complicated with shift and reset.
Rich Dougherty