I've been working on a site idea the general concept is a full text search of documents that also allows user ratings based on these rating I wanted to boost the item's value in the Lucene index. But I'm trying to find if I should extend JackRabbit or just build from the Lucene base. Is there any good way to extend JackRabbit in this way and effect the index or would it be best to work directly off Lucene?
Either way I go I am strongly leaning to using groovy on grails with either the searchable plugin or work directly with JackRabbit is there any major reasons I should just stick to Java?
I would like to boost an item based on the average user rating of an item, is JackRabbit open enough or expandable enough where I can capture user ratings then have those effect the index within JackRabbit or is it so far out of the core of JackRabbit I should just build up from Lucene?