Hi there, How can I specify that I ALWAYS want the local file to replace the server copy even if the TFS copy is newer?
if (pendingChanges.GetUpperBound(0)>-1)
ChangeSetNumber = workspace.CheckIn(pendingChanges, filename);
I can see from the intelisense that I can specify **checkinoptions** as a parameter of the CheckIn method, I just cannot find what I need to put in to have it always check in and ignore any conflict I might come up with.
Thanks in advance.
**EDIT: I found a command TF RESOLVE "item" /auto:AcceptYours /recursive So I guess my revised question would be is there a programming equlivant to the /auto:AcceptYours switch?**
NecroEDIT: process the conflicts before doing the checkin
Conflict[] conflicts = workspace.QueryConflicts(new string[] { TFSProject }, true); foreach (Conflict conflict in conflicts) { conflict.Resolution = Resolution.AcceptTheirs; workspace.ResolveConflict(conflict); }