We have an ArrayList
of items in several classes which are giving me trouble every time I'd like to insert a new item into the list. It was a mistake on my part to have designed the classes in the way I did but changing the design now would be more headache than it's worth (bureaucratic waterfall model.) I should have anticipated format changes to the documents the customer was supplying us waterfall be damned.
I'd like to write a simple script in python which goes into a class, adds the item to the list, and then increments all retrievals for the following items. That doesn't sound very explanatory:
Foo extends Bar{
public Foo(){
public String GetJane() { return m_ParsedValue.get( m_Tags.get(1) ); }
public String GetBob() { return m_ParsedValue.get( m_Tags.get(2) ); }
public String GetJim() { return m_ParsedValue.get( m_Tags.get(3) ); }
You see if I want to add a value between "Jane" and "Bob" I then have to increment the integers in the Get* functions. I just want to write a simple script in Python that does the work for me. Someone I very much respect suggested regex.
Yes, LinkedHashMap. So simple, so easy and so not in the design specs now. I hate waterfall. Hate it with a passion. This whole bit was a "small" and "easy" part that "shouldn't take much time to design." I made mistakes. It's stuck in stone now.