



We're evaluating EF4 and my DBA says we must use the NOLOCK hint in all our SELECT statements. So I'm looking into how to make this happen when using EF4.

I've read the different ideas on how to make this happen in EF4, but all seem like a work around and not sanctioned by Microsoft or EF4. What is the "official Microsoft" response to someone who wants their SELECT statement(s) to include the NOLOCK hint when using LINQ-to-SQL / LINQ-to-Entities and EF4?

By the way, the absolute best information I have found was right here and I encourage everyone interested in this topic to read this thread.



I know this isn't an answer to your question, but I just wanted to throw this in.

It seems to me that this is (at least partially) the DBA's job. It's fine to say that an application should behave a certain way, and you can and should certainly attempt to program it the way that he would like.

The only way to be sure though, is for the DBA to work on the application with you and construct the DB surface that he would like to present to the app. If he wants critical tables to be queried as READ UNCOMMITTED, then he should help to provide a set of stored procedures with the correct access and isolation level.

Relying on the application code to construct every ad-hoc query correctly is not a scalable approach.

+4  A: 


I'd assume MS knows why does they chose the default isolation level as "READ COMMITTED"

NOLOCK, in fact any hint, should be used very judiciously: not by default.

Your DBA is a muppet. See this (SO): What can happen as a result of using (nolock) on every SELECT in SQL Sever?. If you happen to work at a bank, or any institution where I may have an account please let me know so I can close it.

+1 I was about to post some nasty comments about the dba myself, bu I think 'muppet' summs it up just fine :)
Remus Rusanu
Thanks Remus. I hope the DBA reads it too...

I'm a developer on a tools team in the SQL org at Microsoft. I'm in no way authorized to make any official statement, and I'm sure there are people on SO who know more about these things than I do. Nevertheless, I'll offer a friendly rule of thumb, along the theme of "Premature optimization is the root of all evil":

Don't use NOLOCK (or any other query hint for that matter), until you have to. If you have a select statement which has a decent query plan, and it runs fine when there is very little other load on the system, but then it slows down when other queries are accessing the same table, try adding some NOLOCK hints. But always understand that when you do, you run the risk of getting inconsistent data. If you are writing some mission critical app that does online banking or controls an aircraft, this may be unacceptable. However, for many applications the perf speedup is worth the risk. Evaluate on a case-by-case basis, though. Don't just use them willy nilly all over the place.

If you do choose to use NOLOCK, I have blogged a solution in C# using extension methods, so that you can easily change a LINQ query to use NOLOCK hints. If you can adapt this to EF4, please post your adaptation.
