I have followed Ryan Bates tutorial on nested models. Several of my nested models have dates associated with them. In my migrations, they are actually the type "Date."
Some things I have tried and problems I've run into
- date_select - can handle the form object prefix, but not nested models attributes
- select_year - doesn't work with form object
- a regular select populated with the year by using (Time.now.year - 100)..(Time.now.year) and overriding the attr accessor start_date and end_date to take the value in the select to form a date and passing that back. works on create only, not on update
- changing the data type of the field to string and using a regular select populated with the year by using using (Time.now.year - 100)..(Time.now.year) works, but on edit, it won't repopulate the select with the current information
Any ideas or hints would be helpful.
Edit: before_save seems to be more promising but for some reason, the value is nil coming into before save but is visible in the log dump.
Edit 2: Interestingly, this only seems to be a problem on 'update', not on 'create'.