+2  A: 

Some variation of the below is what i would use. YMMV depending on what youre doing. If you post your code we can address your specific implementation instead of jsut providing alternate solutions :-)

$dir = new DirectoryIterator('/path/to/states');
foreach($dir as $file)
  if(!$file->isDot() && $file->isFile() && strpos($file->getFilename(), '.txt') !== false)
     $content = file_get_contents($file->getPathname());
        // do your insert code
Thanks! That solution did the trick. No variation was necessary other than plugging in my path... and I'll add my insert code.I guess, just for my own education purposes, I see that $file->getPathname());was something I'll have to read up on.
R Bennett
DirectoryIterator is one of the useful SPL classes added in php5. the `getPathname` method give you the full filesystem path to the file or directory in question `getFilename` give you jsut the file/dir name and `getPath` will get you just the path to the file/dir. Also if you used this as your solution can you mark this as the answer - or are you waiting for more technical details on whay your code doesnt work?
+1 for using SPL.
Alix Axel
Yes, I can mark this as the answer - fairly new to the SO system so I wasn't sure how that worked. (and sorry for the delay in my responses I wasn't receiving any email notification of activity) If anyone wanted to add some info as to why the other method was failing I would find it useful but I wouldn't hold this open as unanswered for that.thank you again, I'm often in need of these type of answers for various projects and I'm finding Stack Overflow very useful.
R Bennett
Well ive very rarely made use of `readdir` but im thinking its probably an issue one of the values in your `$files` array. I suspect if you were to dump that you would see something unexpected. Or it could be that the error actually occurs in the `readdir` call and its an issue with perms on the dir/file. Normally if i were not using spl i would use `glob('/path/to/files/*.txt')` to get an array of files. In general, unless im dealing with a huge amount of data i try to avoid the functions that require manipulation of `resource` types directly.