



I have a Python web application (Django, specifically). I'm reading in some data from a Trac database (where the descriptions use wiki formatting) and displaying it as HTML. I considered the markdown module, but realised that Trac wiki formatting and markdown are really quite different. Is there a module for Django, or a Python package that supports the wiki formatting that Trac uses?


Looks like I was a little hasty with my vote to close - while the other ticket looks similar, my question is more to do with Trac wiki formatting. Thanks to petantik for the link!

Similar question: Where can i get a wiki formatting widget for my django application?

+1  A: 

The below links shows a snippet which imports trac markup and makes a django template filter from it

Spot on, thanks. I had to read up on custom template tags (, and install trac into my site-packages (on my dev pc), but the snippet works a treat!
Interestingly, this does not add `<br />` tags for new lines where Trac would. All the other formatting works though (bullet points, etc), I wonder why it's not the same for new lines...
Solved! The snippet does not add `<br />` because `escape_newlines` is `False` by default on the `generate` function. To fix, alter the code like so -- `return mark_safe(HtmlFormatter(env, context, s).generate(escape_newlines=True))`
Ah, that's great news. I learn so much myself from answering questions on here :)