




in sharepoint 2007 ( moss )

i need to implement a button . a button to create a custom action. this custom action registers a JavaScript file and a startup script. I have a c sharp code for this purpose. i am not sure how to use the c sharp code. i was told the C# code just needs to be compiled into an assembly and deployed to the SharePoint server. however i dont quite know how can i do that.

( In case required, Reference to what i am trying to do is at this url )

any help appreciated .

+1  A: 

Sharepoint has a concept of 'solution packages'and 'features' which can be used to deploy solutions and these could include dlls, arbitrary files etc.

You should find documentation regarding those on MSDN.

can you give me any links please
+1  A: 

Hello Silverkid,

Here is a nice walkthrough. Hope it will help you out mate.

Deploy MSDN

Walkthrough: Creating a Webpart

+1  A: 

In article you see that "feature" file contains

ControlAssembly="SharePointSolutionPack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4a7cd02bdf107f7a"

That means the code goes inside class SelectItemsAction within Motion10.SharePoint2007 namespace.

SharePointSolutionPack is name of Dll file, which, when compiled, you copy to C:\Windows\assembly

However you must also copy feature defintion to (default location): C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES

A helpful resource for You

Anyway, what i wrote is not very helpful because i'm not going into details. See this step-by-step example on creating sharepoint button (exactly what you need) that uses Visual Studio extension that helps you develop features and deploy them (without copy-pasting i meantioned above). (You'll learn how to create features with that article)

It is important to learn about sharepoint features, because before i understood how to create features, it was hard to do anything in sharepoint (couldn't understand sharepoint articles, when i saw code, all the time question pops up - where do i put that code?).

Good luck!

Janis Veinbergs