I have practically no knowledge of Matlab, and need to translate some parsing routines into Python. They are for large files, that are themselves divided into 'blocks', and I'm having difficulty right from the off with the checksum at the top of the file.
What exactly is going on here in Matlab?
status = fseek(fid, 0, 'cof');
fposition = ftell(fid);
disp(' ');
disp(['** Block ',num2str(iBlock),' File Position = ',int2str(fposition)]);
% ----------------- Block Start ------------------ %
[A, count] = fread(fid, 3, 'uint32');
if(count == 3)
magic_l = A(1);
magic_h = A(2);
block_length = A(3);
if(fposition == file_length)
disp(['** End of file OK']);
disp(['** Cannot read block start magic ! Note File Length = ',num2str(file_length)]);
ok = 0;
fid is the file currently being looked at iBlock is a counter for which 'block' you're in within the file
magic_l and magic_h are to do with checksums later, here is the code for that (follows straight from the code above):
disp(sprintf(' Magic_L = %08X, Magic_H = %08X, Length = %i', magic_l, magic_h, block_length));
correct_magic_l = hex2dec('4D445254');
correct_magic_h = hex2dec('43494741');
if(magic_l ~= correct_magic_l | magic_h ~= correct_magic_h)
disp(['** Bad block start magic !']);
ok = 0;
remaining_length = block_length - 3*4 - 3*4; % We read Block Header, and we expect a footer
disp(sprintf(' Remaining Block bytes = %i', remaining_length));
What is going on with the %08X and the hex2dec stuff? Also, why specify 3*4 instead of 12?
Really though, I want to know how to replicate '[A, count] = fread(fid, 3, 'uint32');' in Python, as io.readline() is just pulling the first 3 characters of the file. Apologies if I'm missing the point somewhere here, its just that using io.readline(3) on the file seems to return something it shouldn't, and I don't understand how the block_length can fit in a single byte when it could potentially be very long...
Thanks for reading this ramble, I hope you can understand kind of what I want to know! (Any insight at all appreciated)