



I am writing a simple applet (my first) to retrieve the most recent status from a twitter account. This works fine when running from javaw.exe launched from within eclipse. However, when run from a browser I get the error: access denied ( connect, resolve)

Any advice on how to avoid this?

The call:

private void updateStatus() {
    try {
        Twitter client = new Twitter("user", "pw");
        Status status = client.getStatus();
    catch (Throwable t) {

The connection to the client is succeeding. It is the getStatus() call which throws the exception. I notice that eclipse adds "" to javaw.exe, not sure if this has anything to do with why it works from eclipse and not from within a browser. Frustratingly, I tried to run the same javaw.exe command directly with the same CL parameters and PATH as eclipse uses successfully. However, when I run it directly javaw.exe exits immediately. jtwitter is a simple wrapper on the Twitter API.

+2  A: 

Browser applets are running in a sandbox with lower security permissions. Certain operations are not allowed, such as certain GUI operations (to prevent e.g. an applet from secretly running a key logger in the background). Apparently the operation you're trying to do isn't allowed either.

To solve this, you have to sign your applet. A signed applet is allowed to run under normal security permissions. To do that you have to create a security certificate and sign your applet with jarsigner.

No need to buy expensive certificates, at least not if this is a small personal project. A self-signed certificate will do (the only trouble is that the browser will pop-up a message saying "certificate could not be confirmed" or something like that).

See also: Signed applet tutorial

works like a charm...thanks for the help

I'm having the same problem except I did go through and sign my applet jar file for -selfcert, but I still get the same exception thrown.

I am using jre and have checked the "Security -> Certificates" tab of the java control panel and it shows the certificate that I answered "Run" to in IE when first accessing the html file.

I followed the instructions here to do the self certification process on the jar file I exported from exclipse that has 3 classes one being the extended Applet class and interface.

Any ideas on why I would still receive the AccessControlException even after certifying the jar file? access denied ( connect,resolve) at Source) at Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Moved to a normal reply for formatting

@ Dave

In addition to getting your jar signed you have to ensure the code you need marked as privileged is wrapped in a privileged block.

final String googleUrl = ""
URL url = (URL) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() 
        public Object run() 
                return new URL(googleUrl);
            catch (MalformedURLException e)
                return null;