The only claim this code has to elegance is that it hides the ugly in a method:
def reject_param(url, param_to_reject)
# Regex from RFC3986
url_regex = %r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$"
raise "Not a url: #{url}" unless url =~ url_regex
scheme_plus_punctuation = $1
authority_with_punctuation = $3
path = $5
query = $7
fragment = $9
query = query.split('&').reject do |param|
param_name = param.split(/=/).first
param_name == param_to_reject
[scheme_plus_punctuation, authority_with_punctuation, path, '?', query, fragment].join
url = ""
p url
p reject_param(url, 'param2')
# => ""
# => ""