I am a coldfusion programmer, at least that's what people have been hiring me for. Even though I am good with oracle/sql server, can design/model databases, rewrite queries for better performance...
I really do love the work, but it seems to make me so unhirable. And I have no idea why?
I am 47 years old, been programming since 1997, when i first brought open my Instant HTML book, and started to learn to code.
I passionately love it, I just don't feel very appreciated or wanted or respected.
For the last 4 years, been pretty horrible, very hard to find or get jobs. And I've had time periods of no job, because of economy, or because I don't have a portfolio.
I don't pretend to be a great programmer, but I am above average.
I am always the guy at a job, improving the quality, getting us to use source control, getting a project management process, always pushing us to be better and better...
But it seems so many people just don't care, unless it's whatever the current hot trend or fad is.
I would love for once, to be supported for training or education, instead it's "Go learn xyz on your own time..."
I don't come here coming to expect to make big bucks, but would be nice to be appreciated...
I am currently at a part time job, would love to go full-time, but not very likely happening in this economy.
Simply, they can afford to hire people at far cheaper rates, and keep them there, because there just isn't a lot of job openings.
So I am considering moving on to another career, whatever that is lol.
Part of the problem of being a programmer, I have nothing to prove my skills, designers can have portfolio's, I've had a professional blogs.
But my blog got flamed constantly because I didn't write according to the popular trends.
So where am I supposed to go lol?
I really do love to program, i think, dream code..