OK, I have one form with another embedded form. In actions.php I have:
// add extra field - select for dynamic population
$tempFrm = new SbCarteOpTempForm(array(), array('type' => 'transfer'));
$tempFrm->setWidget('inv_selectate',new sfWidgetFormSelectMany(array('choices' => array())));
$tempFrm->setValidator('inv_selectate', new sfValidatorPass());
$tempFrm->setWidget('status',new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(array(),array('value'=>'pending')));
$tempFrm->setValidator('status', new sfValidatorPass());
The extra fields "inv_selectate" and "status" should be included in displayed form, and they are indeed. But when I try to submit form, only status variable is sent, the select element is not (inv_selectate).
Why is this happening? I really don't see the problem (and neither the difference between these two new added fields.