



How would I go about doing the following:

  1. I upload a video file via mvc application.
  2. I then stream this video inside a silverlight usercontrol.

I'd like to know the libraries and software i'll need. The workflow, and if possible, some code samples / links to samples.

Thank you,

+1  A: 
  1. Stephen Walther has a great blog post about uploading videos files using ASP.NET MVC and Silverlight here. If you are not committed to Silverlight for the upload control, I recommend SlickUpload, which works in ASP.NET MVC environments. Here is another recent post about handling large or asynchronous file uploads in ASP.NET MVC.

  2. I have been very pleased with the Silverlight 2 Video Player, but it only seems to stream .WMV files.

The upload component will need to place the files into a directory that can be browsed to. That way, you can just put the url to that video in as a parameter to the video player control.
