




I have an image in the eps format that I want to include in my document. The image contains only the geometry of the object; it does not contain the necessary text. It has some arrows, and I'd like to add the text in LaTeX so the labels (which include math) look clean.

How can I place an equation at a particular location over an imported figure?

+1  A: 

You might want to look into the textpos package. See here

Kyle Butt
Thanks, it looks like that package focuses on absolute positioning, where I'm looking to place text over an image, but not affect the automatic final placement of the image on the output.
It will also do relative placement.
Kyle Butt

I decided to just attempt to use \rput(x,y){text}, and it worked after some trial and error with the coordinates. This is working for now but I'm still interested if someone has a better way. :)

+3  A: 

The psfrag package enables you to splice arbitrary LaTeX, including math, in place of text appearing in a .eps file. I find it indispensable.

Norman Ramsey
I'll definitely be giving this one a try!