I am coding a small GUI with netbeans and I am using objects from the Palette Manager. I have created a very simple application. Just a JLabel and a JTextArea. A small image here http://cateof.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/example-overflow/ (one image better than 1000 lines of code)
I am looking for a "meta programming" idea for my GUI. For example if the user executes the application at 01:00 I have to draw 1 line with a JLabel and JTextArea. If the craft person executes at 5:00 then 1 need five JLabels and 5 JTextAreas. The real problem is that I don't now at compile time the number of JLabels or JTextAreas. How can I implement it? The number of objects it is proportional to/depends on the user input
(PS: It is not that simple... If strcmp(time,01:00) -> draw 1 line etc etc)
TIA, cateof