



I want to develop a mobile application to view the streaming video on using a bluetooth connection between a PC and a mobile phone.

On server side video will be captured from a web cam connected to it and this video should be viewed on the mobile phone in the form of streaming video.

Please Help.

+1  A: 

Althouth your question is rather unspecific, here are a few things:

  • Java Bluetooth how-to

  • JSR82 articles

  • BlueCove - a JSR-82 J2SE implementation that currently interfaces with the Mac OS X, WIDCOMM, BlueSoleil and Microsoft Bluetooth stack

  • BlueZ - Java package which interfaces with the BlueZ Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux, providing a simple means in which to add Bluetooth functionality to Java applications.

  • Avetana Blootooth - JSR-82 implementation provides Bluetooth functionalities to Java software in a standardized way.

+1 for this collection of bluetooth links