



I have a fairly simple addition to the HTTP standard. An ambitious goal I know, but I'd at least like to submit a proposal and get feedback on the idea. What is the proper forum/method of doing so?

+9  A: 

According to W3C's HTTP page:

Now that both HTTP extensions and HTTP/1.1 are stable specifications, W3C has closed the HTTP Activity. The Activity has achieved its goals of creating a successful standard that addresses the weaknesses of earlier HTTP versions.

An effort to revise HTTP/1.1 started in the IETF httpbis Working Group

The page from the latter link has a mailing list you can join, as well as the scope of the working group. You may well be able to get feedback about the merit of your idea in the abstract, but certainly don't get your hopes up at effecting change.

Jon Skeet
+5  A: 

The current HTTP standard falls under the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis (httpbis). The page there shows the contact information for the group and the current modifications/clarifications to the RFC-2616 standard that defines HTTP and the proposed changes, etc. It is an active group, so give it a whirl!!

Tall Jeff