Hi, I specified a meta-data in my manifest.xml like this:
<meta-data android:value="5555555555" android:name="foo"></meta-data>
When accessing the meta data like this:
ActivityInfo ai = act.getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(componentName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
Object value = (Object)ai.metaData.get(key);
this value gets interpreted as int and - more importantly - incorrectly interepreted (1260588259).
Since the type is determined automatically by the build system ( booleans, ints, floats and strings ) i wondered if there is any way to force the datatype to string.
I tried adding a space at the end ( "5555555555 "), but then the value gets interpreted as 5.5555553E9 float! ).
I also tried using getString instead of get, but then null is returned.
Any ideas? TIA.