



Hi all!

My dev team and I are looking to do a game in Android, instead of iPhone for our next sprint iteration. We've been tweaking with GeekGameBoard (which we love), and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a similar game library for Java / Android-esque.

  • We're not looking for OpenGL
  • We're looking for Board Game / Card Game (engine or code framework)
  • Also, open-source preferable.

Any advice?

Best, Dom

+2  A: 

Mages is the only one I could find that isn't focused on OpenGL. If you are planning a multiplayer game, its worth checking out.

Thanks! This looks... amazing. I didn't realize it but, yes it'd be great to push for multiplayer, client-server relationships.I also found this: I think Mages is incredibly helpful. Thank you!
Dominic Tancredi

What did you end up going with? One of these, or something else?

We tried out both Mages and jGame. We actually built a quiz game from scratch and then two professional jobs in iPhone + Android so investigation halted for a bit. I think we liked Mages a lot though.
Dominic Tancredi
Thanks. I'm looking to do a casino-type game in android and was just looking around to see what was available.