



I have a SharePoint publishing site with a few custom designed page layouts. I've set up the a custom SiteContent object which inherits from Page and it has the appropriate custom SiteColumns added to it.

The Layout pages each have RichHTML editor controls for these custom SiteColumns and when a new page is added via the Create Page menu item the editors show up in the right place, sized correctly, etc.

The issue I'm having (and I'm sure it's something trivial I overlooked this time out) is that, although it appears that I can edit the page content, leave edit mode, and leave the page, when I navigate back to the same page all the content is empty. It's not persisting my saved changes anywhere. I see the new page in SharePoint designer and can edit it again but no content is ever saved.

I am logged in as a site owner if that matters.

Any ideas on why content wouldn't be persisted?
